About Us

Neil in Nowhere Wood
Neil in Nowhere Wood. Photograph Paul Ingram


Neil Ingram has had many years’ experience as a biology teacher in a variety of secondary schools, Head of Science and an A-level examiner. He has authored assessment materials for middle years biology courses and written extensively for Nuffield curriculum projects. He has recently co-authored a book on Evolution for Oxford University Press, which was published in 2021.

He is interested in curriculum development for middle years biology, and was a member of the Royal Society of Biology education committee, which developed a curriculum framework for 5-19 years biology education

He has recently retired from the University of Bristol, where was senior lecturer in science education. He taught on  the biology programme on the PGCE course.  in the  He is interested in the impact of genomics on society, and ran a course on Genetics, Society and Education in the University of Bristol.

How to contact the resource:

Twitter: @NeilIngram1

email: neil@neilingram.co.uk

Mr Andrew Town
Mr Andrew Town

Andrew Town has been a key figure in the conservation of Nowhere Wood and the wider Trendlewood Park for many years. He is a keen amateur naturalist and photographer. He has compiled a detailed species record for the species living in the wood and the wider park. These can be seen on the Friends of Trendlewood Park website.